The Red Lights of Town
Donovan Callaghan works a dead end job and lives a dead end life until one night after his shift at the local supermarket, his car is invaded by a strange young girl Charlotte who commands him to drive her away, threatening him with a gun hidden under her jumper. Reluctantly he agrees, following her directions to the destination she refuses to elaborate on. As the drive continues, Donovan slowly begins to realise that there is more to this drive and his passenger that meets the eye.
Donovan Callaghan -Nikolai Egel
Charlotte McIntosh - Cassidy Dunn
Officer Rhys Cox - Adam Balales
Alice Callaghan - Jeni Bezuidenhout
Yasmine Cox-McIntosh - Lara Deam
Officer Darren McNickel - Benji Wragg
Nellie - Lauren Huggard
Cooper - James Huang
Harry - Mert Ergec
Charlie - Paitence Fishwick
Director - Dia Taylor
Writer - Dia Taylor
Producers - Tom Levi & Dia Taylor
Cinematographer - Christopher Bennett
Production Designer - Danae Grieef
Wardrobe - Olivia Staffieri
Editor - Sydney Lewis